Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Glimpse of a night long ago

I had planned to make this a collection of funny anecdotal stories from the summer thus far.   I will still write that blog, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week.    Tonight I don’t feel like laughing anymore.  Tonight I am so very sad.  I read the news of Amy Winehouse’s death on Facebook.  I am not a particular fan of Amy Winehouse’s music.  I probably could only name one of her songs.  I like much of the world’s population, caught glimpses of her on the covers of the tabloids in the grocery store checkout line.   I can claim no personal or professional relationship.  In fact my life is not directly affected by this in any real way.  Yet I feel a deep, sad connection to her story.  This blog comes from one of the darkest nights of my life.  This blog is about the night I tried to take my own life.
It was a bad day.  If I was to rate bad days on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being mildly annoying and 10 being horrendously, world endingly terrible) I would rate this one an average 5 or 6.  I had had worse days in my 15 years. I had had better but somehow this night I just could not stomach another average 5 bad day.  Somehow this night when I looked at my life I saw a never ending line of fives, sixes, sevens, and eights marching in front of me.   I looked at the hopeless, never-ending marching parade and I went to the medicine cabinet.  I took anything I could find in it, my parents didn’t do the whole “drugs” thing so there wasn’t a lot to choose from.  What was there I took it all, including the entire unopened 100 count extra strength Tylenol, a bottle of peroxide and whatever else shoved in there.  I was so done. I was so over all the pain.  I didn’t want help, I didn’t want advice, and I didn’t write a suicide note.  I just wanted out. I just wanted oblivion.  I just wanted not to hurt anymore.  I spent a miserable 14 hours on the bathroom floor retching.  My mother came to the door once and asked if I had taken anything to make myself sick.  I told her “No. I only have a stomach bug.  I’ll be fine. Go on to bed.”   She did.  I don’t blame her for this.  My mother and I did not have the traditional mother daughter relationship…but I’m getting ahead of myself.   I lay on the bathroom floor, in my own vomit (I didn’t even have the strength to make it to the toilet anymore) and I felt the presence of God in a way I can’t describe.  I had a relationship with God.  I had felt his presence many times but that night it was different.  “Do you want to die?”  The question screamed in my head.  “YES!!!” I screamed back.  Fifteen minutes and much retching later the question came again “Do you want to die?” “Yes.”  Another ten or fifteen minutes went by.  Time is relative when you’re lying in a pool of your own vomit.  “Do you want to die?” “What to do you want from me?!?  LEAVE ME ALONE!”  “But do you want to die?” the question came again.  “Yes…no….I don’t know” That was it.  I had survived the night.  I got my mess and I cleaned up and spent the day burying myself in books.  We didn’t have a TV so this was as close as I came to vegging out.  Every time I stopped reading the same question pounded in my head…..Did I want to die?  I continued to ignore this in every way I could; putting off the inevitable confrontation with my choices.  I am a master procrastinator so I was able to escape myself most of the day.  Finally there was no putting it off any longer.  “Do you want to die?” I stopped and thought a long time.  “No I don’t want to die.  I just want the pain to go away.  I don’t want to feel this anymore.”   Never again after that day did I even think about killing myself.  I realized something very basic in that moment.  I truly did not want to die.  I needed to heal.  This is not the end of my story.  My parents did not know about my suicide attempt but they did know something was very wrong.  They sent me to live with my Grandparents for a while.  It was the best thing they could have done.  I needed the solitude, the quiet and honestly the pampering that they gave me during that time.   My grandparents didn’t know what had happened, to this day they probably don’t.  But they gave me a deeply needed respite.  For a few months I was able to just be.
I don’t know what happened to Amy Winehouse.  I don’t know if she took her own life or not.  I am very sorry for the loss of the people who loved her most.  No one can fill the whole that someone leaves when they go.  I don’t share my story lightly.   Some of the wounds and pains that needed healing in me took years and much counseling.  I share this only because maybe, just maybe my story will make someone reconsider an irreversible mistake.  If I had died that night I never would have experienced the greatest moments of my life.  The moments I could not see while I was in that dark, dark place: a wonderful summer when I was 17 and I made lifelong friends while living at the beach and working in a mission, going away to college, falling in love with my husband, getting married, having my five beautiful baby boys, learning and loving all the differences God has given each of them, moving to TX and meeting many more beautiful friends, so many, many good things that I cannot even begin to list them all.  My life has been so very full of wonderful, awesome things.  My life has had some hard roads and painful loss but in walking these hard places I never once thought about ending my life.  Instead I cling to life in the good, the bad and all the in between.  Life is so very precious.  Thank you God for your grace.

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Glimpse of a Give Away

Anyone who knows me knows I love to host a party.   I love cooking a massive amount of food, cleaning (ok maybe I don’t love the cleaning so much) and decorating my house in preparation.  I love to watch people as they come in with whatever stress has been in their day and then watch as they look around, take a deep breath of the party scented air and then slowly relax.  I love to hear the laughter as people swap stories and I love to laugh right along with them.  I love to look around the house after everyone leaves, see the empty glasses, dirty plates and drooping decorations and have that feeling of deep satisfaction that comes over me knowing that a good time was had by all.  Yup I LOVE a good party. 
Next month will be the six month birthday of this blog.  When I first started I had no idea just how much I was going to learn, how many new friends I would make, or how many old friends I would reconnect with.  Indeed I had no idea just how much I would fall in love with this new form of communication.  Maybe it’s my closet narcissism peeking out but I have decided this joyous occasion deserves a celebration!!!    I thought long and hard about how I could best turn a virtual party into a real world party short of flying everyone to my house (which though I would to do it. It’s just not feasible, or so my husband says ;).  Then it came to me.  I’ll have a fantastic giveaway to show how much I appreciate every one of you. 
So here are all the fun details.  The prize is a fantastic gift basket.  Some of the cool goodies included are the book Look Me in the Eye by John Robisson (a fantastic, fun read), a GloDowg candle (my very favorite.  Their scents last and they burn forever. Not to mention they are made by one of my favorite people in the world),  full size  Bath and Body Works Lavender Vanilla bubble bath, lotion and body spray (this will relax  you on the most stressful of days and a box of Godiva chocolates.  Yes guys I know this basket seems a bit on the feminine side but if you win you can give it to your wife, girlfriend, sister or momma and I PROMISE you that you will be golden for at least a week ;-)
How do I win this amazing gift basket you may ask?  It’s simple.  Just leave a comment every time you visit my blog over the next month.  Every comment you leave I will enter your name into the drawing basket.  On August 28th, exactly six months to the day that I started my blog, I will draw a random name and announce it.  The more times you comment the more times you will be entered, the more chances you have to win.  Easy as pie!!!  Just to be clear the comments have to be left on my blog.  Although I love all the comments on Facebook and Twitter only the ones on the blog itself will be counted.  To comment on the blog is easy.  Just type your comment in the post a comment box and then click which profile you wish to post under in the “Comment as” box.
I am so excited about our upcoming celebration.   I’m already picking out my party dress ;-)  Have a great day friends.-Kristine

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Glimpse of the harsher truths

I was so excited.  We were going out to eat, at an actual restaurant….the sit down kind, for the first time in at least a year.  I had all seven us looking our shiny best as we walked into the restaurant.  This was going to be fantastic!!!!  About 15 minutes into the meal one of the boys began to wail.  I tried giving him a cracker but he was not to be distracted.  I leaned over to my hubby and told him I would take this one outside to the van and he could stay in and eat with the other boys.  I promptly picked up the screaming child and exited the eatery.  To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.  I was so looking forward to a nice meal that someone else cooked and cleaned up after.  With all of our kids being so young (they were 5, 4, 3, 3 and not quite 1) this was a rare occasion.  My husband was disgruntled when he returned to the van.  “Why’d you just leave like that?”  “Because all the other people in there did not pay good money to hear our baby’s cry throughout their entire meal.  It’s called being a responsible parent.”
It’s time to grab your life jackets friends and batten down the hatches.  I’m about to steer this blog into troubled waters.  Ok is everyone buckled up and holding tightly to the railing?  Here we go------o…….
My last blog was about one of the biggest lessons I have learned as a parent, learning to let go of my need of others acceptance and approval and just doing the right thing for my child.  Today I am going to tackle the opposite side of that coin. I call it considerate, responsible parenting.    I did not want people to get the wrong idea when they read my last blog.   Whenever possible I try to be considerate to the other people who surround me.  There are the rare occasions, such as the Wal-Mart story of my last blog, where a public meltdown is unavoidable.  I was dealing with a deeper heart issue, my NEED to have others approval and acceptance above and beyond what was right for my child.  That in no way negates the need for considerate, responsible parenting. 
I have had to say no more often than I have said yes as a parent, even when it has broken my heart.  This past school year my kids got strep on the week three of them had their ONLY field trip of the year.  All year the teachers had been pumping them up for this day.  They were on antibiotics for 24 hrs but I knew they would still be contagious to the other children so I kept them home.  It broke my heart because they were looking forward to this day ALL year. There were tears, lots of tears, that made me feel like the lowest of the low creatures alive….somewhere below pond scum on the charts.  However, I knew it was the right decision to make as a considerate parent.
I have spoken of some of the lowest points for me personally and some of the heights.  I am by no means a perfect standard to judge by.  I have messed up frequently and will make many more mistakes in the future.  Not because I desire to but because I am not perfect in any way.   That being said, many women come to me with questions and looking for advice.  I guess they figure that if you have enough kids you’re bound to learn something along the way or maybe they figure with this many kids I have probably made every mistake there is and they can learn by avoiding my example.  Either way I field a lot of questions.  “What do I do?!? Johnny pushed a popcorn kernel up his nose.”    “Why won’t Katie potty train?”  “What Dr do you use?” etc, etc...You get the point.  Many of these questions have simple answers. “Have Johnny blow his nose as hard as he can.  If that doesn’t work go to the pediatrician.”    “I’m not an expert but I would say it’s probably because she’s not even a year old yet.  I hate to tell you but you have a lot more diapers in your future.”  “Pediatrician or Developmental Pediatrician?”    Unfortunately some of the advice I have to give is not so popular.   These lessons are the ones that were hardest won for me.  My last blog I addressed one of those issues.  Today I’m addressing another.  Being a responsible, considerate parent often means being selfless.  Parenting is the hardest job you will ever do.  It will take everything you have and then it will demand more.  At that point you will change, you will grow.  You will give up who you are to become who you are meant to be.  I know this goes against all that pop culture will teach you. Today you are taught that you DESERVE to have things your way and that you NEED to hold onto yourself above all else.  Unfortunately the ones who pay the price for our self-indulgence are our children.  Then we wonder why our children grow up to be self-absorbed and selfish.   The answer is simple: They learned by our example.    This sounds very harsh and I am sure will not make me many friends.  But that does not change the truth.  Sometimes you won’t get to have the dinner you have been looking forward to, sometimes your kids will cry because life isn’t fair and they missed their field trip, sometimes you will have to be judged by others because you choose to do what is right.  Sometimes you will have to be unpopular (I could give a class on this one;)
Now for the good news: Being a parent is the most AMAZING ride you will have in life.  It’s way better than the biggest roller coaster or the tastiest chocolate.  Every sacrifice you make will be small in comparison to privilege of bringing a little life into the world and guiding that life into adulthood.  There is NOTHING better.  Friends before I sign off I have to say I am blessed to be a part of your lives.  Lots of hugs-Kristine

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Glimpse of not giving a damn

Standing in line at Wal-Mart it was impossible not to notice the flustered young mother a few patrons ahead of me. Her hair had been thrown up in a sloppy ponytail, dark purple circles under her eyes attested to too many sleepless nights. She had a baby on each hip and more in the cart she rocked back and forth in a vain attempt to calm the crying child inside. Crying is not an accurate description. No what this child was doing was more like a cross between the cry of a feral cat and the wail of a siren. She frantically tried everything to quiet the child: singing, counting, shushing, babbling nonsense. None of it worked. The mother looked on the verge of tears herself. Directly behind her stood your average professional yuppie dressed in the yuppie weekend uniform: khaki shorts, polo shirt, and deck shoes. He made disgusted noises at the mother’s vain attempts to quiet her wailing child. Finally he looks over at his companion, dressed in the identical outfit only her polo was pink instead of blue, and loudly states “If that was my child I’d beat his butt and then he wouldn’t act like this in public.” The flustered, young mother turned three shades of red. She turns and quietly whispers “I’m sorry. He’s autistic and he doesn’t handle Wal-Mart well. Usually I leave him home but my husband had to work and we needed formula and diapers.” The man’s ire was temporarily assuaged and the mother finally checked out.
If you haven’t already guessed I was that mother. For several years it was almost impossible to leave the house without having a similar situation happen. Everywhere I went I was judged as a mother. Some people would just roll their eyes, others would actually try to be helpful and offer advice, and some were like the man in the above story. For the most part we stayed home. Even going to relatives was difficult. Family members did not always understand or accept that we were dealing with something more than discipline issues. All in all, I was judged by so many people. I felt compelled to explain my child’s behavior because then it wasn’t my fault. Then people looked at me with pity instead of judgment. “You poor dear, this must be so hard. You are doing a good thing” It made me feel better about myself. Then one day I finally came to understand something very important: It didn’t matter what anyone thought!! Not the guy at Wal-Mart, not the waitress at the restaurant, not the guy at the gas station. It wasn’t their business why my child acted the way he did and I certainly did not owe them an explanation of his behavior. It didn’t matter whether or not my family agreed with the diagnosis or if they thought my child’s “issues” were because I did not spend enough time with them (yes a family member actually did tell me this….me the stay at home mom with no car). What truly mattered was that I was doing what was right for my child. That I was doing everything in my power to be the mom to my child that he needed. I call this my lesson in not giving a damn.
I know that can sound arrogant but that isn’t the way I intend it. For me it was freeing. It was so freeing to stand in Wal-Mart and hear the snide comments and really not care. It was freeing when I got the emails with the newest “causes for autism” and all the things I should be doing differently to just delete them without feeling guilty. I no longer had to explain, I no longer had to apologize, and I no longer had to feel guilty or sorry. I no longer wanted people’s approval or pity. So very often, as parents of special needs children, we make it about us. I know I did. I felt embarrassed by my child’s behavior, I felt judged, and I felt pitied. But this isn’t about me. It’s about my child. It is about finding the best treatment available for my child (whether others agree with it or not). It’s about being the parent God has called me to be to my child.
One of the first pieces of advice I give to parents when given a new diagnosis for their child is this: This is not about you. It will affect you. It will change your life but this diagnosis is not about you. It is about your child. Your extended family may never understand, friends may be uncomfortable around your family and not know what to say. But it is not your job to make them understand. It is not your place to make them comfortable. All that energy you expend trying to get others understanding is wasted. This advice was hard won. It came from oceans of wasted tears. This journey, this amazing life changing journey takes all your effort and energy. Your child feels it when you are ashamed of them or embarrassed by them. One of the most important things you can do for your child is to accept them, really truly accept them as they are. Once they feel this from you they will be open to the other steps and therapies you will try. I have four children on the spectrum and one husband. This journey has been different for each of them. It has been a learning experience for me. God has used this journey to change me in so many ways and I will be eternally grateful for it. The first step for me was this one, this very hard one. Sometimes it is great to just not give a damn.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Operation Cleaning Boot Camp

The nightmare continued year after agonizing year; clean one room, move onto the next only to return to the first room to find it completely destroyed again.   Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat……… I tried everything I could think of to stop this vicious cycle.  A cycle that left me exhausted, disheartened and clinging desperately to the edge of my sanity.  I tried every trick in the book to train my five boys to pick up after themselves and to stop the rampant destruction.  It was a losing battle that made me feel like a dismal failure as a mother, housekeeper and wife.   Everyone gave advice, platitudes or “constructive” criticism.  I tried it all and only felt more disheartened as each suggestion failed more miserably than the previous.  I know everyone has to stay on their kids to clean up and every child has an inborn destructive gene that can cause large scale messy destruction.  I know that the male of our species seems to have been granted an extra special amount of this destructive gene.  Please believe me when I tell you that what we were experiencing went far beyond all that.  As with everything when you add autism into the mix it amplifies all the normal things.  The connection between action and consequence has been beyond difficult to forge with some of our boys.  It does not matter how consistent the discipline or structured the house when a child doesn’t have that connection it is nearly impossible to make progress.   Also my own health issues had made it impossible for me to do as I used to.  The recipe for disaster was complete and my house was a disaster!!
This is how Operation Cleaning Boot Camp (to be referred to as OCBC from here on for brevities sake) came into being.  As mentioned above I had come to the end of myself.  So I did the one thing I should have done years ago: I prayed about it.  Yes I know this should have been my first step but somehow it never occurred to me to pray about this.  I think my own sense of failure and shame was a large part of why.  Just like in the Garden of Eden, we hide from God during the times we should be clinging to him.  I prayed that he would give me the right words that my boys could hear and understand.  I prayed he would begin to change their hearts and mine.  I prayed that he would give me the perseverance to follow through on whatever the plan.  I prayed for a plan of action that would work.
Here it is the plan that has been working for the Skiff house.
Step One- Prayer as mentioned above.  I cannot stress this enough.  It has really made that big a difference.
Step Two-The Name
It was important for the boys to have a catch phrase to associate with the new plan and way of life.  When I tell them it’s time for OCBC every morning they instantly know what is going to happen.  It’s like turning a switch in their brains.  I don’ know if this only an autistic thing or if it is more generalized to other kids as well.  It has made a huge difference.  Just telling them we were going to clean didn’t do it for some reason.
Step Three- The talk
Before we began I sat all five boys down and we talked (actually I talked ;)  I explained the importance of their help with the house both on a practical level but also on a character level.   They needed to understand that this was about more than a clean house it was about them growing into mature, responsible adults.  I told them I could no longer carry it alone and that I needed their help.  I explained the positive rewards for doing their chores and the negative consequences of not.  Here’s an example:  Today we need to accomplish this, this and this.  Here are your individual chores.  If we get these done in a timely manner we will be able to go to the pool.  However if they aren’t we will not have a chance to go swimming because there will not be time.  I also apologized for the past times when I lost my temper and yelled in frustration.  I committed to staying calm.  I asked that they each promise to do their best as we improved as a family.
Step Four-the Chore Division
In the past I would assign a room that needed to be cleaned to all of them.  I would say: It’s time to clean the playroom.  You pick up toys, you pick up any trash, you any clothes etc.  This only led to them getting frustrated with each other and arguing.  Nothing would get done unless I went up and painfully supervised EVERY SINGLE action.  The youngest would get away without working at all because they would just get in the way.  Now I assign them each a different chore separate from each other.  I rotate some chores between the older ones and others between the younger guys.    It works out much better this way for now.  Maybe after we get this down we’ll have an Operation Work as a Team Boot Camp… thing at a time.  Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Step Five-The When
I have found it is just as important when I assign chores as it is what I assign.  For us first thing in the morning after breakfast works best.  This is my golden opportunity window.  After this time their focus is everywhere but on their chores and it takes a lot longer and a lot more reminders from me.
Step Six-The Follow Through
This is my challenge in all this.  I have to be consistent to make sure the chores get done correctly, to make sure all rewards and disciplines are followed through on and to keep my emotions in check.  This whole plan goes to hell in a hand basket the moment I become emotional.  Autistics have a very hard time dealing with others emotions.  They can’t easily decipher what they are all about.  Instead of thinking oh I better do my job because I am frustrating her.  They just start getting frustrated themselves and they don’t know why.  I call this feeding off emotions….or emotional vamping but that’s not always well received;) 
Step Six- Celebrate
I make a huge deal out of it when they do an exceptional job.  I tell them what a great job they did and then I loudly brag about their accomplishments to other people (so they can over hear me ;)  Everyone needs encouragement but again my spectrum guys can’t read emotion really well so I have to be sure to exaggerate my enthusiasm because they often won’t catch the quiet thank yous and good jobs.
So there it is: The OCBC in a nut shell.  I hope some of you find this helpful.  Thank you for being a safe place to share my failures and successes and just be real.  Blessings to you my friends- Kristine

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Benny Bird

I awoke instantly the shriek of the benny bird still reverberating around the room.  I covered my head with my pillow, willing myself to grab a few more precious moments of sleep.  The pillow could not drown the shrill call of the benny bird any more than a sandcastle can hold back the tide.   I quietly placed my feet on the floor one at a time hoping against hope the shrill shrieking would end and I could get back into bed no one being the wiser that I had awaken from my slumber.  Alas it was not to be.   The shrill shrieks increased in volume and pitch.  The benny bird is quite rare in our kingdom.  In fact there is only one documented in all of Skiffdom.  It is known to be playful and inquisitive and will pleasantly chatter all day.  However when it feels threatened or unhappy its pleasant chatter becomes shrieks and cries so shrill they have on occasion shattered glass.  If I was to quiet the benny bird and restore peace to the kingdom I would need all my wits about me.  With this in mind I immediately went to The Spring of Oster.  It’s magical, hot black water is known to bring alertness to the mind and give energy to the body.
I climbed the Stairs of Prayer.  Beyond the stairs lies the Land of Chaos.  A wise traveler will slowly climb the stairs, praying fervently on each step.  One never knows what will await them in the Land of Chaos so it is a good idea to prepare ones soul ahead of time.  Today there was no time to take the stairs at a reverent pace.  Instead I whispered a quick prayer for guidance as I bounded heedlessly into battle.  To my surprise all was quiet and calm in Chaos.  A great shudder of apprehension ran down my spine.  If the benny bird was not in Chaos that left only one unthinkable option,   a possibility so horrible, so terrifying, I had to stop briefly to gain my courage.  He had to be trapped in the darklands known only as The Bedroom of the Beasts.  Very few who have ventured in have ever come back out.  I have heard horrifying tales of great mountains named Lego and Laundry.  Every step on Mt Lego is said to be torturous, bringing the bravest warrior to their knees in agonizing pain.  Mt Laundry is known for its stench.   It is said that one cannot stand on its peak without succumbing to the toxic fumes.  I tentatively step through the gate.  I see the tiger twins; they lay in wait high in the bunk tree.  The benny bird is circling the lower branches squawking possessively about something.  I cannot make sense of what the benny bird is squawking.  Once he reaches a certain decibel the only thing the human ear can perceive is pain.  I try to talk him down slowly.  As the decibel decreases I begin to understand the problem.  It seems one of the tiger twins, the ferocious Alex, has dared to disagree with the benny birds claim of superiority.  The more passive of the twins, Jamie the Just, decreed that a show of strength would determine the winner.  I arrive just in time to stop the carnage.  Now that I have seen first-hand the terrors in the Bedroom of the Beast I declare a new holiday.  A holiday that will from now and forever more be known as “The Day of Renewal”.  This celebration will be honored weekly by destroying Mt Laundry and bringing the pieces to the Pool of Tide.  Each piece will be placed in the pool and washed.  Mt Lego must be ritualistically dismantled.  Its pieces are to be placed in the Chest of Rubbermaid.  And all the land will rejoice and be merry as they smell the wonderful lemony scent of their Pledge.  And the sun shone brightly upon all Skiffdom and they lived happily ever after.

This has been a lyrical interpretation of my morning on Tuesday.   After I restored peace to the house the whole morning came back to me in fairytale form so I figured I’d share it here.  I hope you enjoyed my “fictionalized” day.- Kristine

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Summer of Change

The smells of grilling meat, chlorine, and sunscreen mix to form a distinctive smell, a unique perfume.  The sound of kids splashing in the pool, of the ice cream truck’s ditty playing on an endless loop, and lawnmowers being pushed up and down the street proudly proclaim: Summer fun is here!! 
I LOVE summer!  It is my absolute favorite season. No one can deny that fall has great fashion sense as it parades around in deep crimsons, rusts, oranges and yellows.  Only a fool denies winters austere beauty.    And far be it from me to take away from spring’s beautiful rebirth of life.  But summer is something special.  All year long as a kid you await that day of all days, the best of the best, the LAST day of school!!!  The last week of school is spent in joyous celebration by students and teachers alike: field day, movie day, game day all culminating in three months of freedom!!!  How sweet that freedom is: waking up whenever you feel like it, pool days, beach days, amusement parks, fireworks, watermelon, ice cream, the list goes on and on.  Yes sirree, I LOVE summer.  I love the heat, I love the water, and I love having my family around me.  I especially love summer this year.
It will come as no surprise to you my friends that I was probably the most excited person in our house for school to be out.  It has been a very rough school year for the Skiffs.  Don’t get me wrong, my boys held up pretty well.  I am very proud of each of them.  However, Skiff/ school relations were at the best of times strained and by the end of the school year a full out war had been declared on the Kingdom of Skiff.  Friendships were lost completely, communication ceased; good people’s careers were damaged.  It is no wonder that I was ecstatic to see the end of the school year.  I have come to the unfortunate decision that we have to do something different next school year.  I am not sure what that will look like or entail yet.     I can definitely use all the prayers and constructive advice I can get.  I have fought for years to keep my boys in the school system because I believe the socialization aspect is so---o important for my spectrum guys.  Unfortunately private school tuition for 5 children is outside of our budget.  That leads me to homeschooling.  Having had a bad experience with homeschooling as a child this is not my first choice.  I would love to get feedback from everyone but especially those of you who have kids on the spectrum.  What has been your experience?  Have you found any particularly helpful programs?  If you are in our area do you know of some great homeschool groups? I am grateful for the next few months to decompress and have time to make a thought out decision. 
 I am also using this summer to work on growing my boys in the areas of responsibility and respect for others.  So far this has been going pretty well.  I am already seeing some very positive changes in several of my guys.  I love to see them growing and expanding.  For so long it felt as if I would always have babies.  To see that they are becoming young men is quite the privilege and honor for my husband and me.   I will definitely be going into further detail on what I am calling “Operation Cleaning Boot Camp” (OCBC abbreviated ;) in a future blog.   It is ongoing.  We have great days and we have not so great days but I see a slow but steady attitude shift beginning.
Big changes are happening in the Land of Skiff.  I appreciate all your prayers as we forge onward on our journey.  Thanks for lending me your ear for a little while. Lots of love-Kristine

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